Stockholder of Urea and Nitric Acid grades

Solutions for corrosive and abrasive environments

Tailor-made solutions

Understanding the unique requirements and challenges of each industry

Each market and each application has its own specific material requirements. Already for more than 25 years GEMACO is considered as a reliable supplier of corrosion resistant austenitic stainless steel, nickel alloys and high temp grades. A strategic stock of pipes, fittings, flanges, bars, plates and forgings in urea grades and nitric acid grades is immediately available to serve our customers worldwide. GEMACO provides solutions for a wide range of industries including the Fertilizer, Petrochemical, Chemical, Water Desalination and Nuclear industry.

A winning partnership

with Mannesmann Stainless Tubes

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Material Grades

Material Grades

Swipe left & right to go through table.
Click to open material datasheet.

X2 CrNiMo 18-14-3 1.4435 316L UG S 31603316L MOD UREA ®
X1 CrNiMoN 25-22-21.4466/1.4465310 MoLNS 3105025.22.2 ®
1.4477S32906DMV 29.7
3.7035R 50400 Gr. II
3.7165 Gr. V/6 Al 4V

Some of our clients

Some of our clients